Are Amino Acid Supplements Right For You

Amino Acid Supplements

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We often think about the nutrients that are essential for our bodies, but not all the nutrients that we get from food will necessarily be enough. Amino acids are one of the building blocks of protein, and they’re also what help your body’s muscles and organs to function properly.

In this article, we will take a look at the advantages and risks of Amino Acid Supplements to help you decide if they are right for you.

About Amino Acids

Before jumping into the benefits and risks of amino acid supplements, it is important to understand what amino acids are. There are three groups of amino acids:

• Nonpolar or essential amino acids are the building blocks for both protein and muscle tissue. If a diet does not provide all the essential amino acids, a deficiency can result. For example, if you’re missing isoleucine, you will have trouble building muscle as well as reducing protein synthesis.

• Polar or conditional amino acids are nonpolar and cannot be used by the body because they contain an acidic side chain (ie. arginine). These are usually used as energy sources.

Nonessential amino acids are not found in nature and are created by the body. Some examples include hydroxyproline, methionine sulfoxide and homoserine.

There are 20 amino acids that come in varying amounts in protein-rich food: 11 essential, 6 nonessential and 5 unnatural.

Supplements containing one or more of the nine necessary amino acids, which the body cannot synthesize on its own, are commonly referred to as amino acid supplements. Among them are Lysine, Leucine, Tryptophan, Histidine, Methionine, Isoleucine, Phenylalanine, Valine and Threonine.

Which Amino Acids Are Typically Found in Supplements?

Amino acid supplements usually do not contain arginine, despite the fact that youngsters need it.

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Over-the-counter supplements often contain a category of important amino acids known as branch chain amino acids (BCAs). Leucine, isoleucine, and valine are all part of the branch chain of essential amino acids.

Should I Be Taking Amino Acid Supplements?

This depends on your activity level and diet. Most essential amino acids are obtained through a healthy diet and regular exercise. Amino acid supplementation may be necessary in some cases.

All that is normally required is a diet rich in protein from meat, fish, dairy products, and eggs. Taking additional amino acids may be necessary if you are undergoing cancer treatment or are under a lot of stress.

Benefits of amino acid supplements

There are risks and benefits to using this product, just as with any other. Consult your doctor to discover if taking an essential amino acid blend would help your general health and well-being.

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Below are some of the benefits that amino acid supplements may offer.

Myofascial activity

Muscle growth and strength depend on adequate quantities of amino acids. They aid in maintaining a healthy balance between muscular atrophy and growth in humans.

Adding necessary amino acids to your diet may help you get more nitrogen into your system. It also aids in the preservation of skeletal muscle amino acid stores.

Enhanced Sports Performance

High-protein diets are often sold to athletes in conjunction with amino acids. Consuming vital amino acids before or after a workout may help you build muscle.

In the post-exercise recovery period, amino acids may also be beneficial. While a high-protein diet may be beneficial, supplementing with amino acids may not make a substantial effect.

Sugar levels in the bloodstream

There is evidence that amino acids can improve blood sugar levels. People with type 2 diabetes who take amino acids can drop their blood sugar without adversely affecting their insulin levels. Long-term effects on blood sugar of amino acid supplementation are unknown.

Skin health

Amino acid supplements may help moisturize and enhance the general quality of young women’s skin. They can also bulk up by lifting weights.

Overall Health and Weight Loss

Although amino acid supplements may be of benefit to the body, they are not well known as an effective weight loss supplement. In fact, there is no evidence that taking amino acids as part of a weight loss diet will help you lose weight.

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Taking them in isolation has been shown to provide benefits to the user, but it has not been shown that taking them together will have the same effect.

Potential Risks of Taking Amino Acid Supplements

Nausea, headache, and pain are among the most often cited side effects of long-term amino acid supplement consumption.

Taking a single amino acid supplement is discouraged by many specialists. Methionine, cysteine, and histidine are the amino acids that have the worst negative effects if taken in excess.

Other drugs, including diabetes and thyroid medication, may interact with amino acid supplements. Before using any amino acid supplements, make sure to talk to your doctor.


As you can see, depending on your health goals and body’s needs, their may be benefits of adding amino acid supplements to your daily routine, but always check with your doctor first.

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