Protein Shake Alternatives – High Protein Snack Recipe

High Protein Snack Recipe

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Tired of shakes and looking for protein shake alternatives, don’t worry we have you covered. These sweet high protein snack recipes are a quick and easy way to spice up your muscle-building diet.

Snacking on something quick and easy is always a good idea. A basic ranking of high-protein snacks based on their protein content per 100 grams is below.

Tasty Protein Balls – High Protein Snack Recipe

High Protein Snack Recipe

Nutritional information Per ball: calories 133, protein 5g, fat 8g, carbs 12g

Ingredients (makes 10-12 balls)

175g peanut butter

85g agave honey

1 scoop of vanilla protein powder

50g oats

Optional, roll in nuts to taste

Peanut butter is a good source of monounsaturated fats, which are linked with improved cardiovascular health, and it’s also packed with protein and fibre. Oats are one of the best foods for building muscle and a source of beta-glucans, a soluble fibre that can lower cholesterol via its interaction with the bacteria in your gut. Agave honey adds sweetness, but it’s low-GI, so it doesn’t have the fat-storing effect of other sweet foods that contain sucrose.

To Make this High Protein Snack Recipe

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl and form into walnut-sized balls. Place the balls in the fridge for a couple of hours until they harden.

Protein Squares – High Protein Snack Recipe


175g almond butter

80g butter

95g honey

95g dried apricots, chopped

30g mixed seeds

1tsp cinnamon

half tsp bicarbonate of soda

1 scoop of vanilla protein powder

95g self-raising flour (whole meal)

145g oats

Monounsaturated lipids, vitamin E, and manganese are all found in almond butter. Zinc and copper, which play vital roles in energy metabolism, can be found in seeds.

To Make this High Protein Snack Recipe

Melt the butter, almond butter and honey in a large saucepan. Add the protein powder, apricots, seeds, cinnamon, bicarbonate of soda, flour and oats. Press into a greased or lined baking tray. Bake at 180˚C/gas mark 4 for 20 minutes until the edges are crisp but it is still soft in the middle.

Leave in the tray until completely cool, then cut into eight squares and refrigerate.

Protein Mousse – High Protein Snack Recipe

Ingredients (makes 4 servings)

180g dark chocolate (approx 80% cocoa solids)

350g soft tofu

1 scoop of chocolate protein powder

Juice and zest of 2 oranges

Add grated orange zest and chocolate (to serve)

Chocolate’s flavonols may help to prevent cellular and tissue damage that can occur as a result of strenuous training. A good source of protein, tofu includes phytoestrogens that may lower your testosterone levels if consumed in excess.

To Make

Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of simmering water, stirring occasionally. Allow to cool slightly. Blend the tofu, protein powder and orange zest and juice until smooth and creamy. Spoon into four dishes and chill in the fridge until set. Decorate with a little orange zest and grated chocolate.

Why Are These High Protein Snack Recipes So Great?

First, they are quick and easy to make. Second, they are protein-packed and provide a high-energy boost before your workout. Third, they contain natural ingredients that may improve your health and can help recover quicker after training. Fourth, they are high in fibre which helps to keep you regular.

What About High Protein Shakes?

High protein shakes have their place, but it can get tiresome drinking the same shake over and over. These high protein snack recipes are a great way to boost your muscle-building diet while offering some variety of the normal protein shakes.


With these quick and simple high protein snack recipes you can add some variety to your diet without making a big fuss!